General Category > 1530USB Datasette to PC Adapter

Recording difficulties [SOLVED]

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Thanks for the off forum troubleshooting.

I think at this point, the program I was trying to get working just isn't going to work.

I recorded a copy of Crystal Caverns and I was able to load it pretty consistently.

I'm going to try others to confirm it's just the one I was trying before that didn't work. If that's the case, then I'll just record that one on the tape deck I used before and move on with life :D

In my tests so far, anything with Novaload just does not record properly.

Anything that doesn't have Novaload appears to work fine.

I don't know why that is. Is that expected? if so, did I miss it somewhere?

It is either record head is dirty/worn out or azimuth is way off.

You need to calibrate your datasette with an original copy game.

I've got a copy of Excaliba coming my way (cheapest cassette I could find) and I'll see if that changes anything.

Worst case at this point is that I record Novaload games via my external tape deck.

Thanks for all the help!


Do you have a PET style datasette any chance?
These are very rare over here,never had the chance the test it out with the adaptor.


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