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1530USB Datasette to PC Adapter / When will more be in stock on ebay?
« Last post by CAGOTTJOE on December 02, 2023, 12:10:22 AM »
Hello, new to this board.

I'm interested in acquiring a 1530USB Datasette To PC Adapter, but it show that you are out of stock on ebay. Will more be available soon?

Thank you!

Yucaipa, CA (USA)
Tapecart SD / Re: Convert PRG to TCRT
« Last post by Remzi on September 19, 2023, 06:01:53 PM »
Hi Ben.

I fixed the download link.Give it another try.
You can make a bundle of your favourite games with this little utility.Example.
Keep in mind,it is only good for single load games.Multi load games need some coding magic.
Tapecart SD / Re: Convert PRG to TCRT
« Last post by swainclubber on September 18, 2023, 10:51:42 PM »
hi, ive just got a c64 and a tapecart sd, i dont seem to be able to download this file. i was hoping to be able to play games with multiple .prg files within it from SD.

i presume this is what this is for? i specifically want to try slicks game.

many thanks in advance

1530USB Datasette to PC Adapter / Re: Setting up the adapter and how to use
« Last post by Remzi on August 15, 2023, 05:01:13 PM »

Don't forget to check the connector for any flat pins.
1530USB Datasette to PC Adapter / Re: Recording difficulties
« Last post by Remzi on December 06, 2022, 05:46:08 PM »
That's great news mate.I can mark this topic as solved.

Let me give a warning to the future readers.

If you buy a New Old Stock datasette,don't ever touch the azimuth setting!!!
1530USB Datasette to PC Adapter / Re: Recording difficulties
« Last post by scyllinice on December 06, 2022, 04:01:00 PM »
The NOS datasette came in.

So far so good. It loads my Excaliba copy just fine.

Doing test runs with some of the tap images I have been using seem to be working fine as well.

Oddly enough, the tape that I recorded using my Eiki recorder didn't actually work in the NOS datasette, so this one must be way more sensitive than the Commodore one.

At least I can confirm that your adapter does work just fine with a Data-Master model 5500.


I readjusted my 1530 to be able to read the NOS datasette recorded tape. It appears to be working ok, so I think I have my solution.
1530USB Datasette to PC Adapter / Re: Recording difficulties
« Last post by Remzi on December 04, 2022, 10:17:50 PM »
If the datasette had slow downs during the recording,outcome should be shorter than the original.
1530USB Datasette to PC Adapter / Re: Recording difficulties
« Last post by scyllinice on December 03, 2022, 03:57:32 PM »
I used the same tap file that produced the wav that I posted before. Maybe that's a clue. There has been a couple of times that my datasette has slowed or stopped when rewinding while powered by the adapter, but it doesn't happen consistently (and not at all when powered by my Commodore 128)

I do have another datasette (that hopefully works this time) that I'm going to try. If it does, I'll use that one for recording and the one I'm using now for playback since that part seems to work just fine.
1530USB Datasette to PC Adapter / Re: Recording difficulties
« Last post by Remzi on December 03, 2022, 12:57:22 AM »
I also did the same.Here is my backup file.

Yours has so much noise at the begining at the end,in between.
It can be the datasette,creased tape or your PC.For example if you run winvice while recording,it creates noise.

One thing I couldn't understand,yours is 4 minutes and 28 seconds long,the one you posted before is 4.20.Did you clean that TAP?
Can you post the TAP file you used so I can try recording that.
1530USB Datasette to PC Adapter / Re: Recording difficulties
« Last post by scyllinice on December 02, 2022, 11:39:19 PM »
Here is a copy of the tap recorded to tape with my datasette through the adapter and then read back in Audacity.

Apologies for the extra at the beginning and end. I forgot how long the playtime was supposed to be.


The fun part of this is that this copy fails at different points sometimes. I just got it to get to roughly 50 blocks left to load and it crashed. Rewinding and trying again, it fails to get past the Novaload screen. It's wildly inconsistent.
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